Types of Online Daters

Online dating can be an extremely useful tool or it could be an absolute nightmare. There are over 40 million individuals in the US alone that are using some type of dating service almost regularly. Statistically speaking, with over 40 million people that are available at your every whim, it should be a synch finding a potential partner. The numbers are definitely in your favor, but you need to notice red flags of a possible psycho dater and run like the wind! We don’t mean literally, run – but you should be familiar with the idiom.

These are the most obvious types of online psycho daters. Be advised when proceeding to communicate with these types of individuals. We also advise that you always trust your intuition, there’s usually a plausible reason why you feel so icky about that someone – it’s just a matter of time before you find out what that reason is.

The Liar
This type of dater is usually easy to spot. They’ll say one thing, and then completely contradict themselves in a later conversation. They might mention one type of job, and then admit to working at another. Somehow you’re never really sure what the truth is and what are just more lies. They’ll usually agree with everything you say, they’ll somehow like all the same music, art, and might be studying in the same line of work. If you notice that all their opinions are really yours then you should make for a break and ditch all the lies.

The Cheater
This is another type of dater that can be easily spotted if you’re familiar with the red flags. One huge red flag is the fact that you can’t call them unless it’s under specific circumstances. They’ll usually state that they’ll call you whenever they can. If they miss dates/chats they always manage to rummage up an excuse. They tend to flake out on plans very abruptly and last minute with no explanation- until afterwards. They also prefer to stay in or go out of town, very private people (private meaning your entire relationship is kept private). Bail out early if any of this sounds all too familiar to you.

Relationships & Gifting

Once again the holidays have crept up on you and you're faced with the ultimate decision. Should you buy that person a gift or pass on the entire idea. Gifting giving is already so complicated, when you add the factors of your relationship to the mix - chances are, you'll be extremely confused. While you weigh out your pros and cons, you start considering all the different factors that you should take into consideration.

  • the length of your relationship 
  • the seriousness of the relationship 
  • who's going to see the gift exchange 
  • possible gift ideas & their costs 

The questions continue, we know! We figured that this was a start. The length of the relationship isn't at all the tell-all but you want to keep in mind that the longer a relationship is - the better the gift should be. If the relationship is fairly new, just a couple weeks old, get them something light-hearted, simple; it shows you cared enough to think of them while you were shopping around. If it’s an exclusive relationship that you think is very serious, then be prepared to put more thought into your gift, make it meaningful.

In regards to the type of relationship you’re in, think about whether it’s something casual, something extremely exclusive, or a little bit of both. The less serious the relationship is, the less pressure you have to get the “perfect” gift – at that point, it’s the thought that counts. Remember, giving a gift should be enough for that special someone - if it's not then maybe you've got bigger issues than just figuring out what gift to get them.

Who's going to witness the gift exchange is also an important aspect of gift-giving. If their family, friends, coworkers are going to be there - leave the inappropriate gifts at home. You wouldn’t want them opening up to a trunk full of sex toys in front of their immediate supervisor.